Working With Me

Private 1:1 Professional Coaching Programs Tailored to Your Unique Needs

Who I work with

I work with people who want to describe their life as more than just “fine”.

On the outside, they might seem to have it all together, and yet, on the inside, they feel all over the place at times. Personally, I know what that feels like because I’ve lived it.

Sometimes, my clients know why they’re feeling all over the place, and other times the reason needs some digging and detective work.

The people I work with recognize that something needs to change for them to feel better about their work and their lives, and they’re ready and willing to do whatever it takes to get there (within reason).



My clients are kind, committed, and real. They’re also incredibly hardworking, talented, accomplished, and determined professionals (from various industries including tech and financial services) with goals and the yearning to make a real impact in all aspects of their lives.

If you’ve had enough of spinning your wheels trying to “fix” things that never seem to get fixed or wanting to bang your head against the nearest wall, I can help.

Because without actually taking the time to get to the root of the obstacles and blind spots getting in your way, and having the courage and willingness to do the work, no amount of tools, tips, and tricks are going to make a difference.

In fact, you’ll simply be wasting your precious time, energy, and money.

It’s sort of like trying to dig your car out of two feet of thick, goopy sludge with nothing more than one of those little plastic shovels - you know the ones you get in a set of colorful kiddie beach toys.

So, How Does Coaching Work?

Through coaching programs tailored to your specific needs, weekly private 1:1 coaching sessions via Zoom, and unparalleled support in-between coaching sessions, I help you address your specific challenges, uncover your blind spots, and your “Why?” as together we get to the root of what’s frustrating you and keeping you stuck, while also teaching you proven, practical, tangible strategies and tools you can use immediately.

And that’s a lot easier when you have someone who’s been there, by your side.

What’s It Like to Work With You?

Huge, insightful, heart-warming, and significant positive shifts in your work and life, offered with genuine empathy, perceptivity, encouragement, unparalleled support, and firm kicks up the butt from me (if/when necessary!)

However, don’t take my word for it, the best people to answer your question are my clients.

My coaching approach covers far more - and will go much deeper - than simply setting and achieving goals for the sake of it, or having you rush though our coaching sessions aiming for some half-assed metrics that don’t benefit either of us.

What Sets You Apart From Other Coaches?

  • No Corporate Nonsense. Nothing Generic, Cookie-Cutter, or Mass-Produced.

  • Our Work Together Is About YOU as a Human Being. You’re In a Safe Space & Everything Is Tailored to Your Specific Needs.

  • We Get to the Root of Your Obstacles & Blind Spots with Sensitivity, Perceptivity & Insightful Exercises. Plus, You Will Learn Practical, Concrete Tools That You Can Apply Immediately.

  • Genuine Multi-Cultural, Global Mindset: a TCK (Third Culture Kid) Growing Up + Two Decades of Personal Work Experience in the US, Canada, Europe & Dubai in Challenging, Male-Dominated Industries, Including Tech, Finance, and International Hotel Management.

  • Professionally Trained & Accredited Coach Since 2012 With 170+ Hours of Training & Thousands of Hours of Coaching Experience. 12+ Years of Supporting Clients from Diverse Backgrounds and Shared Lived Experiences - Always with sensitivity and understanding.

  • Unparalleled Level of Attention, Support, Responsiveness & Thoughtfulness In-Between Coaching Sessions. Plus, Feedback & Key Insights at Every Stage of the Coaching Process Designed to Bring Out the Best Version of Yourself.

Are You Ready To…

  • Get underneath the excuses and dig into the real stuff that’s holding you back?

  • Explore your thoughts, beliefs, and fears to learn to believe in yourself?

  • Make better decisions that feel good because you trust instincts?

  • Feel more confident and doubt/second-guess yourself a whole lot less?

  • Stop worrying so much about what other people think about you?

  • No longer feel small, insignificant, or overlooked because certain people are unapologetically taking credit for your ideas and hard work?

  • Grow the healthy confidence and personal power needed to speak up and advocate for yourself, and tackle difficult conversations/personalities without being a jerk?

  • Feel clearer about what you actually want from your life and your time on this planet?

  • Have your ideas acknowledged, valued and respected, and your influence welcomed?

  • Feel calmer, more grounded, and focused without having to meditate for 4 hours each morning while listening to whale music in the background?

  • Work with an experienced coach who is honest and says it as it is with kindness, empathy, and a dash of kick-up-the-butt?

Then Let’s Talk.

Book yourself in for your free 45-minute introductory Zoom call.

This session will give you a taste of what coaching is like with me while making sure we’re a good fit. We’ll get to know each other and you can ask all the questions you have about coaching and how I can help you.

If we’re a good fit, we can discuss your payment options as well as a potential start date if you’d like to work with me.

By the way, if you’re not actually interested in potentially working with me, and only looking to score a free coaching session: please, please don’t reach out. It’s bad energy and karma.

Tailored Coaching Programs

10 sessions via Zoom


$4,440 in full


$2,200 each month over 2 months


$1,480 each month over 3 months